A. Alcorn Munro Post-Secondary Scholarship

A. Alcorn Munro

About A. Alcorn Munro

A. Alcorn Munro founded AA Munro Insurance in 1944. A high school graduate in Mabou, Alcorn then took a degree at Mount Allison and studied pre-med at Dalhousie for a time before he decided to go into business. Among eight siblings, Alcorn was the only one who had the opportunity to pursue higher education.

About the Scholarship

The scholarship is worth $1,500, and any high school student in the Maritimes is eligible. It is awarded in Alcorn’s name to help young people with potential to realize it. The scholarship committee looks for students who volunteer, who are well organized, and who have a good academic status. It can be applied to any accredited post-secondary program at least two years in duration, anywhere in the world.

To qualify for this entrance scholarship, the student must be sponsored by a current AA Munro staff member. Please contact us for more information on this if needed!

How to Apply

We’re now accepting applications for the 2024 school year! Fill out our application form below, or find more eligibility and submission information here.

Please note the final date for applications is April 30, 2024. Good luck!

A. Alcorn Munro Scholarship Application

    First Name

    Last Name



    Postal Code

    Email Address

    Date of Birth

    How did you hear about this opportunity?

    AA Munro connectionGuidance counsellorOnline searchSocial mediaOther

    What post-secondary institution do you plan on attending this fall?

    What is your intended field of study?

    Why do you want to pursue study in this field?

    What offices or titles do you hold in volunteer organizations, clubs or groups?

    What other scholarships or academic awards have you received?

    What extra-curricular activities do you do at school or in the community?

    Please list any full or part-time employment you have had in the last 3 years:

    Please list 3 references and the contact information for each:

    Reference #1


    Reference #2


    Reference #3


    Please have each reference complete a letter of recommendation on your behalf, and upload them below:

    Please read the following declaration, and check "Yes" if you agree: "I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information supplied on this application form is true and correct."
